
R. Harry Amdurer's

Explore R. Alter Tzvi (Harry) Amdurer's Shiurim on various topics in a comprehensive, step-by-step course packet.

A Free Taste of the Shiurim: The first shiur in every category is available without charge. Click on the first shiur to begin streaming.

15 Topics

15 topics that include over 1,367 different audio lectures in an ever-growing lecture series. The shiurim cover topics such as Creation, Ezra & Nehemiah, and many more.

Digital Streaming Format

All 1,367+ lectures are available through our comprehensive and easy-to-use online streaming format. Access the entire library on any device through your custom login portal.

One-Time Payment

Access the entire course packet with a one-time payment. You will never be charged again, and will maintain lifetime access through our unique membership portal.